About Me

Hello there! My name is Ahmed Ballal and I am a passionate software engineer with experience in...

HTML, CSS (Tailwind CSS)
JavaScript (React, Node.js, Next.js)

Check out my work!


My Portfolio

My Portfolio

Developed this portfolio website to showcase my skills. Utilized Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, and CSS.

AI IMG Generator

AI IMG Generator

Utilized OpenAI's Chat Gpt-3.5-Turbo and DALL-E APIs to produce a thumbnail image based on a video title. Built with React.js, Deployed with netlify.

Study Partner

Study Partner

Encouraged students to conduct online study sessions and schedule study meetings. Designed with react-bootstrap, 100ms APIs, and deployed using vercel



Collaborated in a 6-member Agile Development team building an e-commerce web app for my software engineering class at SFSU. Utilized the MERN stack and deployed via AWS.

Sudo Store

Sudo Store

Collaborated in a 4-member team to build an online storefront for my web development class at SFSU. We built the skeleton with basic HTML, then incorporated CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

Ninja Runner

Ninja Runner

An 'endless' web-browser game I built for my web development class at SFSU. using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Note: Projects labled 'Local' are production-ready school projects that have not been made public. You can download the source code via the GitHub link to run a project locally.

Get in touch!


resume available upon request

Feel free to connect with me: